
Through the Brenner Pass

To look at a map of Europe is to see a disconnected landmass. Sometimes described as a ‘peninsula of peninsulas’, the world’s second smallest continent is naturally divided. Even from the centre, it is not always easy to travel to the extremes. Take the Alps for example, since ancient times, they have proven to be…

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S5/E3 Swissloop Tunnelling: Meeting the Challenge

Frustrated with the costs of tunnelling and Hyperloop’s resulting lack of viability, Elon Musk threw down the gauntlet to the tunnelling industry and asked if it could innovate to bring advance rates up to the speed of a snail. In this episode we speak to one of the entrants of the ‘Not a Boring Competition’,…

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SHORT: The tunnel that time forgot

This week’s episode looks at the long-term expansion plans for the Second Avenue Subway in New York City, as it moves to the final planning phase. The project was first proposed nearly 100 years ago, are the 2020s the decade it is finally going to get off the ground? Photo credit: MTA

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SHORT: The missing TBM

Whatever happened to the Whittaker TBM once deployed in Folkstone Warren, in Kent? This week we look at the intriguing history of this 100 year old machine… Guest Dr Oliver Carpenter, Curator of Infrastructure and Built Environment, The Science Museum Photo credit: The Science Museum

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S5/E2 Hyper Tunnel unleashes the Bots

A few years ago, two men met to discuss an idea they’d had for a tidal energy project. The idea called for an array of tunnels, rather than the more traditional lagoons. But essentially as the tide comes in and goes out, you can draw the energy off it. It was a fantastic idea, but…

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SHORT: The Tunnel Turning on Texas’ Taps

In this week’s tunnelling episode we look at the challenges Texas faces to its water supply and how the recently awarded Section 19 Long Tunnel Crossing, a critical part of the Integrated Pipeline Project, will help bring much-needed water to North Texas.

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SHORT: CCL6: Singapore Closes the Loop

Singapore’s Land Transport Authority has reached the half-way mark for completing its Circle Line Stage 6, which closes the Circle Line loop by connecting HarbourFront to Marina Bay stations. We take a look at the recently completed tunnelling works for CCL6.

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SHORT: A Tunnel for Two States

This week we are taking you to Virginia and looking at The Big Walker and East River Mountain Tunnels, which burrow through the Appalachian Mountains and cross the border between two states. This impressive project completed 50 years ago, and was the most expensive construction job that West Virginia Department of Highways and Virginia Department…

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S5/E1 Onkalo: The Forever Store

If the Ancient Egyptians had made use of nuclear fuel, their engineers would have needed to find a solution to store the waste not just to today, but far into the future. Fortunately, modern engineers are up to the task. The most advanced project for the disposal of spent nuclear fuel is ‘Onkalo’ in Finland. …

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S4/E6 The Opportunity in Ventilation

A career spent in the evolving field of ventilation has yielded a number of insights to Mosen’s Fathi Tarada.  In this episode we tell the story of how the Bahrain oil industry is to thank for a man fighting to bring tunnelling closer to Net Zero, how new ventilation technologies could influence tunnel design, and…

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S4/E5 HS2 and the Golden Thread of Station Design

High Speed 2 is the UK’s latest transport megaproject. Billed as the largest ever investment in the country’s rail, its first phase will link London in the south via 230km of high-speed rail with Birmingham in the West Midlands. With a focus on innovation and new technologies available, the project is determined to avoid the…

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S4/E4 The Drammen Spiral

Faced with a need to free surface space for their expanding town, and a reliance on the local quarry for foundation material, the people the town of Drammen in Norway came up with a unique solution. A spiral tunnel would provide all of the granite they needed, would allow them to close the quarry, and…

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S4/E3 Propping up Vienna

Vienna, the capital city of Austria is also known worldwide as The City of Music and this musical metropolis is fine tuning the way that it constructs underground. In order to expand its metro system it has turned to the use of hydraulic props to hold back the pressure from the earth during construction of…

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S4/E2 Cross River Rail: Under the Brisbane River

Brisbane has an Achilles heel. But luckily, it is one that engineers are on the verge of correcting. As the capital of Queensland, a resource-rich state in Australia’s northeast, it is a vital hub for the economy and the movement of people around the country. The problem lies with the iconic river that bears the…

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