International Tunnelling Association

S2/E2 Tunnel maintenance with AI

Maintaining a tunnel requires many hours of dedicated work by highly skilled engineers. And as our network of tunnels expands, so does the maintenance demand. Asset owners and local authorities have been under pressure for years to find a cost-effective way of monitoring and maintaining their underground infrastructure. And now, engineers in Switzerland have turned…

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S1/E5 Toulouse Line A: Growth without disruption

Upgrades to transport infrastructure create temporary but crippling disruptions to the service. Expanding transport capacity on metro lines is an essential element of urban development. However, carrying out major upgrades to existing lines has meant temporarily denying its service to the existing passengers. Until now. In the charming city of Toulouse in southern France, a…

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S1/E4 Keith Bannerman: A life underground

Carving out the underground space for railways, roads, waterways, urban development and even fishing and farming is how some men and women spend their entire careers. The tunnelling industry offers great opportunities for travel and adventure at the cutting edge of our understanding or geology, rock and soil mechanics and machines. Keith Bannerman happened upon…

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