S1/E6 The opportunity under India

In this episode we take a dive into the Indian tunnelling market to understanding what is driving the growth in tunnelling, see what opportunities exist for overseas tunnellers and hear how young Indian engineers are being drawn into a career underground.

With a population of nearly 1.4 billion, and a burgeoning middle class, India has growth and wealth. The strains of urbanisation on India’s cities is creating a soaring demand for metros, while expansion of hydropower and government promises to connect rural communities is driving tunnelling needs in the north and south.

India is developing its own tunnelling expertise to meet this challenge, but it is also in need of international skills and expertise. India is a land of opportunity for tunnellers.


Sandeep Nirmal, chair of the Tunnelling Association of India’s Young Members


Tunnelling Association of India
British Tunnelling Society Young Members
Warwick Tunnelling Course
International Tunnelling Association Young Members

Main image: Breakthrough on Contract CC-34 of Delhi Metro Phase III in 2014. The TBM is a 6.52m diameter EPB shield manufactured by Terratec